Refractory Services for Oil Refineries in Malaysia


Oil refineries in Malaysia are one of the top sectors that need refractory services.

When refining oil, heat-treatment equipment is heavily affected.

Constant exposure to high temperatures and harsh chemicals can have an adverse effect on the performance of boilers, kilns, and other machinery.

Refractory for oil refining protects this equipment by providing a protective lining that can prevent damage from these destructive conditions.

In this article, we will get into the proper refractory services for oil refineries in Malaysia.

Heating Equipment for Oil Refinery

Basically, there is various heating equipment involved in oil refineries.

  • Boilers – In many refineries, boilers are one of the most important systems. The steam produced by boilers can be used to power turbines and assist in maintaining proper temperatures during the manufacturing process.
  • Incinerators – Some of the waste produced during the oil refining process is burned at high temperatures in industrial incinerators.
  • Furnaces – A furnace generates the heat required for various oil refining procedures.


Refractory Solutions for the Oil Refining Industry

Refractory Castables

Castables are non-metallic materials that are resistant to abrasion, heat, and thermal shock. When installing heating equipment linings, their low heat conductivity is critical. Castables are monolithic refractories, which means they are made up of a single block of material.


When repairing concrete linings in boilers and other materials, guniting is frequently the most effective solution. Gunite is applied by using a special machine to push refractory material to the nozzle and water is added to the nozzle for them to mix together before applied to the surface.


A pneumatic hammer rams a specially formulated plastic refractory material into place. Ramming mixes are ideal for emergency refractory repairs because you can pound them into any shape to fit.

Fire Brick

Non-metallic materials used in fire brick refractories provide consistent heat containment in furnaces. Bricks come in a variety of materials, each with its own set of properties and characteristics.

Next read: Refractory Failures that Need Refractory Repair Service


Refractory Services for the Oil Refining Industry in Malaysia

Properly installed refractory linings protects your heat-treatment equipment

In conclusion, weak refractory can impact your daily operations so you will need professional refractory contractors to help.

SLP provides a variety of high-quality refractories for oil refining industry applications in Malaysia.

If you’re experiencing a mechanical issue with your heating equipment, our skilled refractory service technicians can provide the ideal solution and minimize unproductive downtime.

We’re also prepared to conduct regular refractory maintenance to prevent costly problems from occurring and extend your equipment’s lifespan.

So drop us an inquiry for refractory solutions to help you minimize downtime, reduce energy loss, and avoid valuable equipment failure.

Need help? Contact us now.